Sunday, February 14, 2010

To escape the clock.

Postponing sleep is like quicksand-you will almost always succumb and sink below the surface.

However, that is exactly what I am trying my utmost hardest to avoid. I have to be up and rolling in a solid two hours to feed the homeless. We're long past the point of sleeping now.

You see, normally, I snatch all the extra hours I can get to sleep in, seeing as I don't get to do it nearly as much as I'd like to anymore. Though tonight, that was a different matter entirely. For my friend's birthday we ended up celebrating it classic indie city style- The Rocky Horror Picture Show. At first, I was extremely wary. I've read The Perks of Being a Wallflower and all that, so I was fully aware of what I was about to waltz my way into, or so I thought. As it turns out, nothing can prepare you for an experience that that of attending a shadow casted movie where transvestites roam the night and girls walk around in underwear. Pretty much, I went just to appease everyone else.

Let me just say- THOSE WERE THE STRANGEST TWO HOURS OF MY LIFE. However, now I have that experience under my belt, so I feel a little bit more street-smart. I laughed, I gaped in horror, and best of all-I met a bunch of characters. It's safe to say I'll probably never go back.

Oh, would you look at that-It's Valentines day as of four hours ago.
To whoever is reading this: Have a good one. The world is filled with lovely things.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ferris Bueller Would Be Proud.

This week started out slowly, stretching slowly out in front of me like a hundred acres. Today is Wednesday, AKA- the absolute middle of the school week. Marilyn and I finally reached our breaking points this morning. We had actually pulled into her parking space by the auditorium doors when she said, "God, Katy, can't I just go home and skip today?" She of course was just being sarcastic, but I took what she said a little more seriously. "Okay," I said, refusing to get out of the car. "Let's skip." It took a solid five minutes of bantering and scheming to get her to put the car in reverse. Somehow, God only knows how, I got her to be a little rebellious.

Now please keep in mind that I truly have been overall a pretty good kid this year. Last semester I didn't even cut class once. This is major improvement for me compared to second semester of Sophomore's 8 days. But hey, think of it as a mental health day. I mean, really, what would Ferris Bueller do?

The way I see it, a little skipping here and there is practically essential. If we don't take the time to do something mischievous every now and then, we get wound to tightly. And you never know when you'll snap, or spontaneously combust.

Two quotes that have been on my mind recently-

"The course of true love gathers no moss."

"We're all bizarre...some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all."-The Breakfast Club