Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hi Blogger!

So this semester has been wonderful. As I have previously written, I got the part of Irina in Chekhov's Three Sisters at my college. It was such a blessing to be a part of the production. I felt like I learned something vital every day. This semester I feel like for the first time in my life, I'm genuinely seeing Christ move in the lives of those around me. I'm watching his love revolutionize their lives right before my eyes. It's pretty moving to see someone fall more in love with him every day.

Anyways, now I've hit the easy point of my year. My show is over and now I can focus on grades, friends, and FINALLY catching up on books. Yesterday I went to a bookstore with Courtney and I began to talk up how great Looking for Alaska, a book by John Green, is. I read it when I was 15 and it changed my life. More so, John Green and his brother's youtube videos inspired me to pursue writing and theatre, and not be ashamed to be my true nerdy self. His fans have a habit of showing their love for him by leaving little 'Nerdfighter Notes' expressing their love for the novel or jotting down a little inspirational sentence in between the pages of their favorite book by him. For YEARS I have been going to bookstores and flipping nonchalantly through the pages, hoping I'd find one of the notes. However, I never found one...until yesterday. As I talked to Courtney and explained the basic plot of the book I thumbed through some pages randomly, not expecting to find anything, when I came across a post it note with a message scrawled across it.

I became so overjoyed that I proceeded to make a scene right there in the store. I left the note intact, waiting for someone to pick up this book and cherish it as I have. That's all I have for now. God bless!

Here's a picture of the show!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


And now this land
Means less and less to me without you breathing through its trees
At every turn
The water runs away from me and the halo disappears
And the hole when you're not near

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Second Semester. And stuff.

So it's late. And I figured if I was going to waste some time, why not do it in a semi-productive manner? It's my second semester here at college and I'm really, exceedingly happy. I mean, I liked college in my first semester, but this time around, I'm adjusted, settled into little routines and most importantly...I was cast in one of our mainstage shows this semester! I got the part of Irina in Chekhov's Three Sisters. I feel as though every night at rehearsal I'm bombarded with such excellent excellent teaching while gaining such crucial experience. The people around me are so loving, talented and just all around awesome. Something I've always loved about Theater people in general is that they are so accepting.

However there's something that's been sort of nagging away at me tonight. I know it's minuscule and I spend too much time thinking about it....but I freaking HATE TWITTER. I want to delete my account, but I know if I do I'll severe a tie into what some of my friends are thinking. For a lot of the people I know, oddly enough Twitter is the one place they unabashedly express the desires of their hearts. Weird, I know, but a lot of these people are not very happy and I worry that if I delete my account, I'll be burning the bridge into their lives and that maybe one of my tweets will cheer them up one day, or will help them reconsider our friendship or a choice their currently wrestling with. I don't know...I feel lame for being so back and forth on it, but for now I'll keep it. Wouldn't want to regret it later.

Anyways, I really should be taking a shower, memorizing acts 3 and 4 of my play and getting ready for bed now. Best Wishes.

Oh, and I had to dye my hair darker for the play. Love it. I feel as though this color is closer to what I am naturally and suits me better.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Break Away.

I've been thinking today about creation. Now I'm not talking about the universe,  but rather art. I've been reading a lot lately and every time I finish a novel, I can only think of how magnificent it is to be able to read a piece of creation. I only hope some day that I can achieve something mildly close to what I've been devouring lately. Truthfully, I've had a great love for reading for quite some time now, but unfortunately I don't have much time to read at school, other than textbooks and plays, that is. So during breaks for school I just go crazy for books and movies, trying to catch up on everything I've missed and watch and read all of the classics I've yet to finish.

It's been a beautifully relaxing break and in just one short week I go back to school, audition, start up my classes, and help out with Phi Lamb rush. I'm excited to see all of my friends and experience the blessings this semester holds, but I know there is a lot of work already cut out for me. Until my drive back I'll be practicing, reading, watching movies, hanging out with my friends and family, and packing.

For your entertainment, here's a picture of me, my boyfriend, and my dad fishing with a 15 foot pole...we caught absolutely