Monday, October 31, 2011


Hello all! I hope you had a marvveeelous Halloween. I  dressed up as a lion and went to all of my classes in costume! I got some pretty strange looks on campus, seeing as most people didn't don on their costumes till nightfall. However, most of my classes are theatre-centered, so I wasn't alone. It's nice to always have people who will be weird with you. At first I thought I'd wait till my costume party/meeting tonight to put it on, but when I talked to Garrett on the phone he said there was a good amount of people who came to class in outlandish garb, so I figured it was the perfect excuse to fluff up the mane early. I even went all out with my eye makeup too!

Okay, so, moving on. This is going to be a pretty busy, but good week for me. I have lots of events and even a rerecording of my radio play- Gift of the Magi. I am excited because everything, aside from the Math homework, seems really exciting, but there isn't much time allotted for sleeping, eating, or talking to Garrett. I know God will help me through the week, like he always does. 

Currently in school I'm presenting an extremely dramatic monologue this week. It's probably one of the most heartbreaking and difficult pieces I've ever worked on, even though it's only a minute or two long. I'm also learning ballet right now, which is awesome because I really enjoy it. It's such a beautiful, controlled and strong art. I love it. I am also really liking tap. Tap is complicated and tricky when you have a large group of dancers.

My mom is also selling our old house. It's weird because I've only been gone since early August, so when I come home for Thanksgiving we'll be at a new place. I'm totally okay with it though, because I'm probably going to stay and do some summer stuff here if I get the opportunity. Marilyn and Garrett will both be gone so I don't really have much of a reason to come home. I'm excited to see what the future has in store for me; it's just very surreal to be visually able to see the childhood chapter of my life being brought to a close with the move.

Happy Halloween.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."-Matthew 7:7-8

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Well hey there!
It's been a while...I know. I'm a bad blogger. lol. It's just, I've moved into my college life and really wanted to get settled in before I went back to blogging. But fear not, you help me brush up on my writing skills and are really helpful with letting me see my thoughts before my eyes.

Anyways, college is awesome. It's totally different than living at home, but in a good way. I miss my family and friends, but something about this step just feels right. This weekend I surprised my boyfriend with a visit and had a blast. It was so awesome to get to spend so much time with my boyfriend, my best friend. When I pulled back into the parking lot this morning to do some theatre work I was struck was a realization that this campus is exactly where God wants me to be. It was a nice feeling to know that the creator of the universe has picked out a special place for me.

The workload is pretty intense, but it pays off because I've already learned so much. It's only been two and a half months and already I know countless dance combinations like the waltz and the fox trot, have read several new plays and gained a better understanding on how to analyze them, and have learned even more about acting in general, not to mention Math or English.

I've also joined a Christian Sorority. It's awesome because we let in anyone who wants to be in it and the dues are super low. It's so nice to be surrounded by a community of girls who have their heart set on God and have such obviously radiant joy.

I love all of the trees here. This may be a small town, but I'm determined that you can always find something fun to do anywhere you go. I'm glad I've gotten to write on here tonight. It's very refreshing to come back to blogging. It helps me recount my blessings and kind of recap everything that's been going on in my life lately, kind of like taking a mental picture. Hope all is well with whoever is reading this.

OH! And tomorrow I'm giving a devotional for my pledge class and since it's Halloween I'll be dressed up like a lion! :D

Herbert: The Purple and Pink Lion
(My latest masterpiece)